What Teachers Say

At first, I should say that I am proud of being a member of this constitution. However, when I teach this book, I always tell my students about this book that it is well-conceived book for the students and professionals dealt with gastronomy and culinary arts.
R. Yeşim Parlakyıldız
Lecturer / Author

When school management assigned me to this course, my first concern was how to find effective resources. However, I received an e-mail from your end about this textbook. Both the way the book was prepared and the website made the class easier for the students. Besides, they loved the course and learned so many new technical words related to the field.
Mehmet Murat Ceylan
Iğdır University

The fact that the book has a website, exercises and audio recordings can be made from here, provides incredible convenience to the tutors during the lesson. In terms of content, the repetition of words in the unit and the exercises made it easier for the students to understand.
Derya Kaya Gök
Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler University

The fact that the book has a website, exercises and audio recordings can be made from here, provides incredible convenience to the tutors during the lesson. In terms of content, the repetition of words in the unit and the exercises made it easier for the students to understand.
Merthan Erem
Topkapı University